Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

About my campus

Haloo guys...
 I’m from University Lancang Kuning, i want to ask you about five things that i like in FKIP.
    The first course lacturers are not tired of giving knowledge to us. The way they teach relaxed but focused. Here the lecturers beautiful dan handsome, lecturers also friendly. We are like family, can confide with their jokes, even be friend. The lacturers were very care with us, they do not look smart or lack of learning, but we efforts. The material is bared on the syllabus. Learning cool, so not make bored and we are also excited to follow.
     The second is a friends in class a funny and nice. They are one of the things the makes my spirit, makes my days full colours. Yhey are care about one another, whit them i feel more appreciated they are like family to me. I share the story where love and sorrow. Although their behavior strange, but it makes me miss same their. Maybe we grown, so in talking decision and holidays. Love you guys :)
     The three that activity really do devolop interests and talents. Which is held every Saturday that is ECC(English Conversation Club). ECC is established by our lecturer cool that Mr. Budi Hammudin M.Pd. in the ECC there are some classes, such as paper presentation class, that learned about how to be a good presenter. Dance class is a place to dancing. Blogging class, here friends can learn about the blog. Reguler conversation class, here will be taught how speak English. On stage performes, if you likes to sing to the right place. And than public speaking and debate.
     The next dean FKIP, Mr. Dahler M.Pd. when you first see it, you will think he killed for the way he spoke that always out frankly. It is all wrong, he was kind and very caring with her students. He did not like our clothes narrow pants will be scolded. We were taught how to dress like a teacher. Not only that, he is like a tour. The goal is not only toured, but weave silahturahmi and a sense of togetherness.
      Finally, is parking of FKIP, i do not know why i like about it. Maybe everyday the place that first i visited. Motors in the parking is neat. Not only as a place to put the motors, but also a meeting place with friends, the story while laughing your way to class. So too after we finished college, where there is separation with a friends, as she says goodbye.......
So, although it seems the parking was not interesting, to me it sounded interesting.

Well, i think that all for me about FKIP, sorry if grammar fall apart, because i’m still learning :)
Thank you and byebye..........

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