Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

Comments about introduction to linguistics

Helloooo guys........ :)

This time i wanna to shearch you about my comment to my friend's blog. This is a lesson in introduction to linguistics. Not onlycomments, but there is also a suggestion.
ok, come see my comments :

Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

What is Semantik ?

       Semantics adalah cabang linguistik yang mempelajari arti/makna yang terkandung pada suatu bahasa, kode, atau jenis representasi lain. Dengan kata lain, Semantik adalah pembelajaran tentang makna. Semantik biasanya dikaitkan dengan dua aspek lain: sintaksis, pembentukan simbol kompleks dari simbol yang lebih sederhana, serta pragmatika, penggunaan praktis simbol oleh komunitas pada konteks tertentu. Semantik Linguistik adalah studi tentang makna yang digunakan untuk memahami ekspresi manusia melalui bahasa. Bentuk lain dari semantik mencakup semantik bahasa pemrograman, logika formal, dan semiotika. sering digunakan dalam bahasa sehari-hari untuk menandakan suatu masalah pemahaman yang datang ke pemilihan kata atau konotasi.
Semantik berbeda dengan sintaks, studi tentang kombinatorik unit bahasa (tanpa mengacu pada maknanya), dan pragmatik, studi tentang hubungan antara simbol-simbol bahasa, makna, dan pengguna bahasa.

Terdapat beberapa pendapat mengenai pngertian semantic, di antaranya:
1.      J. W. M. Verhaar: semantik adalah cabang linguistik yang membahas arti atau makna.
2.      Abdul Chaer: semantik merupakan bidang linguistik yang objek penelitiannya makna bahasa.
3.      Aminuddin: semantik
4.      berasal dari bahasa Yunani mengandung makna signify atau memaknai.
Dari definisi di atas dapat di ambil kesimpulan bahwa semantik adalah salah satu cabang studi linguistik yang membahas tentang makna.

Jenis-jenis Semantik
1.      Makna Leksikal: makna leksikal adalah makna yang sebenarnya, yang sesuai dengan hasil observasi indera kita, makna apa adanya, makna yang ada di dalam kamus. Misalnya, kuda bermakna leksikal sejenis binatang berkaki empat yang biasa dikendarai.
2.      Makna Gramatikal: makna gramatikal terjadi apabila terdapat proses afiksasi, reduplikasi, komposisi dan kalimatisasi. Misalnya, berkuda, kata dasar kuda berawalan ber- yang bermakna mengendarai kuda.
3.      Makna Kontekstual: makna sebuah kata yang berada di dalam suatu konteks. Misalnya: a. rambut di kepala nenek belum ada yang putih (bermakna kepala), b. sebagai kepala sekolah dia harus menegur murid itu.

.      Apa perbedaan antara “arti” (meaning) dan “makna” (sense) ?
Makna (sense) menurut Djajasudarma adalah pertautan/hubungan yang ada di antara satuan/unsur bahasa. Sedang dalam KBBI, makna berarti pengertian yang diberikan kepada suatu bentuk kebahasaan.
Arti(meaning) menurut Djajasudarma merupakan makna leksikal dari kata, dan cenderung terdapat dalam kamus. Menurutnya pula, arti adalah hubungan antara tanda (dapat berupa lambing bunyi ujaran) dengan hal/peristiwa/sesuatu yang dimaksudkan. Sedang menurut KBBI, arti adalah maksud yang terkandung (dalam perkataan/kalimat).


Mengapa kita harus belajar semantik? Apa urgensi dari semantik ?
Semantik (ilmu tentang makna) merupakan masalah pokok dalam komunikasi. Karena komunikasi menjadi faktor penting dalam sosial kemasyarakatan, maka kebutuhan untuk memahami semantik menjadi sangat penting. Makna sebagai penghubung bahasa dengan dunia luar. Chafe (dalam Aminuddin) mengungkapkan bahwa berpikir tentang bahasa sebenarnya juga melibatkan tentang makna. Aminuddin (1988) menyatakan bahwa bahasa selain menyertai kegiatan berpikir juga mengkaji dan memahami makna.
Belajar semantik memberikan kemudahan untuk memahami dunia di sekeliling kita yang penuh dengan informasi. Belajar semantik juga memberikan bekal teoritis dalam menganalisis bahasa atau bahasa-bahasa yang sedang dipelajari, terutama bagi para peneliti bahasa.

        Djajasudarma, T. Fatimah. 2012. Semantik 1: Makna Leksikal & Gramatikal. Bandung: Refika Aditama.
Parera, J.D. 2004. Teori Semantik. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Aminuddin. 1988. Semantik: Pengantar Studi Tentang Makna. Bandung: Sinar Baru.

About my campus

Haloo guys...
 I’m from University Lancang Kuning, i want to ask you about five things that i like in FKIP.
    The first course lacturers are not tired of giving knowledge to us. The way they teach relaxed but focused. Here the lecturers beautiful dan handsome, lecturers also friendly. We are like family, can confide with their jokes, even be friend. The lacturers were very care with us, they do not look smart or lack of learning, but we efforts. The material is bared on the syllabus. Learning cool, so not make bored and we are also excited to follow.
     The second is a friends in class a funny and nice. They are one of the things the makes my spirit, makes my days full colours. Yhey are care about one another, whit them i feel more appreciated they are like family to me. I share the story where love and sorrow. Although their behavior strange, but it makes me miss same their. Maybe we grown, so in talking decision and holidays. Love you guys :)
     The three that activity really do devolop interests and talents. Which is held every Saturday that is ECC(English Conversation Club). ECC is established by our lecturer cool that Mr. Budi Hammudin M.Pd. in the ECC there are some classes, such as paper presentation class, that learned about how to be a good presenter. Dance class is a place to dancing. Blogging class, here friends can learn about the blog. Reguler conversation class, here will be taught how speak English. On stage performes, if you likes to sing to the right place. And than public speaking and debate.
     The next dean FKIP, Mr. Dahler M.Pd. when you first see it, you will think he killed for the way he spoke that always out frankly. It is all wrong, he was kind and very caring with her students. He did not like our clothes narrow pants will be scolded. We were taught how to dress like a teacher. Not only that, he is like a tour. The goal is not only toured, but weave silahturahmi and a sense of togetherness.
      Finally, is parking of FKIP, i do not know why i like about it. Maybe everyday the place that first i visited. Motors in the parking is neat. Not only as a place to put the motors, but also a meeting place with friends, the story while laughing your way to class. So too after we finished college, where there is separation with a friends, as she says goodbye.......
So, although it seems the parking was not interesting, to me it sounded interesting.

Well, i think that all for me about FKIP, sorry if grammar fall apart, because i’m still learning :)
Thank you and byebye..........

Selasa, 03 Mei 2016



 When + subject + verb = a time clause

v  Will or be going to is NOT used in a time clause. The meaning of the clause is future, but the simple present tense is used. A time clause begins with such words as when, before, after, as soon as, until, while and includes a subject and a verb. The time clause can come either at the beginning of the sentence or in the second part of the sentence. Example:
a)    Bob will come soon. When Bob comes, we will see him.
b)    Linda is going to leave soon. Before she leaves, she is going to finish her work.
c)    I will get home at 5:30. After I get home, I will eat dinner.
d)    The taxi will arrive soon. As soon as it arrives, we’ll be able to leave for the airport.
e)    They are going to come soon. I’ll wait here until they come.

v  Sometimes the present progressive is used in a time clause to express an activity that will be in second part the future. Example:
a)    While I am traveling in Europe next year, I’m going to save money by staying in youth hostels.

v  Occasionally, the present perfect is used in a time clause, as in ‘’I will go to bed after I finish my work’’ and ‘’I will to bed after I have finished my work’’. For two example have the same meaning. The present perfect in the time clause emphasizes the completion of the act before the other act occurs in the future.

Ok guys now we to exercise ya…….!
Exercise 1. Expressing the future in time clauses
Directions: Find the time clause in each sentence. Draw brackets […] around it and underline the verb in the time clause. Identify and discuss the use of verb tenses.
1.    We’ll be here [when you arrive tomorrow].
2.    [After the rain stops], I’m going to sweep the front porch.
3.    I’m going to start making dinner before [my wife gets home from work today].
4.    I’m going to wait right here [until Jessica comes].
5.    [As soon as the war is over], there will be great joy throughout the land.
6.    Right now the tide is low, but[ when the tide comes in, the ship will leave the harbor].
7.    [While I’m driving to work tomorrow], I’m going to listen to my Greek language tapes.

Exercise 2. Expressing the future in time clauses
Direction: Use will/be going to or the simple present. (in this exercise, both will and be going to are possible when a future tense is necessary, with little or no difference in meaning).
1.    Peter is going to leave in half an hour. He (finish)will finish/is going to finish all of his work before he (leave) leave.
2.    I’ll get home around six. When I (get) will get home, I (call) am going to call Sharon.
3.    I’m going to watch a TV program at nine, but before I (watch) am going to watch the program, I (write) write a letter to my parent.
4.    Gary will come soon. I (wait) will wait here until he (come) come.
5.    I’m sure it will stop raining soon. As soon as the rain (stop) will stop, I (walk) walk to the store to get some film.


The present progressive may be used to express future time when the idea of the sentence concerns a planned event or definite intention.
(COMPARE: A verb such as rain is not used in the present progressive to indicate future time because rain is not a planned event.)
A future meaning for the present progressive tense is indicated either by future time words in the sentence or by the context.
For example:
a)My wife has an appointment with a doctor. She is seeing Dr. north next Tuesday.
b)Sam has already made his plans. He is leaving at noon tomorrow.
c)A: What are you going to do this afternoon?
   B: After lunch I am meeting a friend of mine. We
       are going shopping. Would you like to come along?

The simple present can also be used to express future time in a sentence concerning event that are on a definite schedule or timetable. These sentences usually contain future time words. Only a few verb are used in this way: e.g., open, close, begin, end, start, finish, arrive, leave, come, return.
For example:
a.The museum opens at ten tomorrow morning
b.Classes begin next weks
c.Jhon’s plane arrives at 6:05 p.m. next Monday

Exercise  1. Using the present progressive and simple present to express future time
Directions: Indicate the meaning expressed the italicized verbs by writing in the future, now, or habitually in the blanks.
1.      I am taking four courses next semester.                                   in the future                      
2.      I am taking four courses this semester .                                   now                         
3.      Students usually take four courses every semester.                    habitually                   
4.      I’ll mail this letter at the corner when I take Susan home.            in the future               
5.      My brother’s birthday is next week. I am giving him a sweater.      in the future            
6.      Shhh. The broadcaster is giving the latest news about the crisis   now               
       in England. I want to     hear what she’s saying .
7.      When I graduate, I’m going to return home.                               in the future                    
8.      When students graduate, they receive diplomas.                        habitually                    
9.      I’m tired. I going to bed early tonight.                                       in the future                        
10.   When I’m in New York, I’m going to visit the Museum of Modern     in the future        

Exercise 2. Using the present progressive to express future time.
Directions: Use the present progressive to complete the sentence. Use any verb that makes sense.

1.    A: How about going across the stress for a cup of coffee?
B: I can’t. I am meeting Jennifer at the library at 5:00.

2.    A:Why are you in such a hurry?
B: I have to be at the airport in an hour. I am flying the 4 o’clock plane to New York. I have an important meeting there tomorrow.

3.    A: We got an invitation in the mail from Ron and Maureen. They are spending a dinner party next Saturday evening. Do you want to go ? I’d like to.
B: Sure. I always enjoy spending time with them. Let’s call and tell them we are going.

4.    A: Your cough sounds terrible! You should see a doctor.
B: I know. It just won’t go away. I am meeting Dr. Murray later this afternoon.

5.    A: Have you seen Jackie?
B: She just left. She has some shopping to do, and then she is going To the health club for her yoga class. She should be back around 4:30.

6.    A:Where are you and your family going for your vacation this summer?
B: Ontario.
A: Are you planning to fly?
B: No, we are not so we can take our time and enjoy the scenery.

7.    A: We’re going to a soccer match next week.
B: Who are going to a soccer?
A: A team from Brazil and a team from Argentina. It ought to be a really exciting game.

8.    A: I see you’re smoking. I thought you stopped last month.
B: I  did. I don’t know why l started again. I am trying again tomorrow, and this time I mean it.