Jumat, 30 Juni 2017


Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Hello guys , gimana kabar kalian ??? Alhamdulillah baik ya…….
Oia sebelumnya saya mau ucapin selamat idul fitri 1438 H :) . Kali ini saya , mau berbagi ilmu (cieee sok iya :D)…….Taraaaaaaa Ini tugas untuk perbaikan nilai semantics saya.

Soal dan jawabannya :
1.Mention 3 contemporary researches in the field of idioms and their findings (tittle and author includes)


2.Mentions what we found if we study idioms and mentions 3 experts in that field

3.Give me explanation about the field that you most comprehend in the class idioms


 4.If I want to study idioms, what books that you will recommends for me to read

5.Who is the most influencing expert in the field of idioms and mentions 3 of his/her latest research or article

Ya itu dia tugas yang sudah saya selesaikan, semoga bermanfaat buat teman-teman :)
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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